Friday 11 July 2014

All You Would Want To Know About Bathroom Tiles

Choosing the right tile can be very overwhelming at times. There are so many options that are available in the market and so much think about. Choosing the perfect colour, texture, and material need a lot of thinking as each can have a huge effect on the final result of how the house will look like. Talking specifically about the bathroom tiles and how to go about selecting the perfect look for the bathroom and making it look flawless.
The two main options amongst tiles are natural and ceramic tiles while ceramic comes in a huge number of types and shapes, using a natural tile for the bathroom might not be the best option for a bathroom as they are porous and it will take a few more equipments to get it from absorbing the water and also natural tiles might be a little more costly. Hence the main focus should be on ceramic tiles
Ceramic tiles are abundant in types and we first need to see what the bathroom’s dimensions are. For a small bathroom, small shaped tiles are advised as it will be easier to load and lest cutting will be needed. Also for small bathrooms, light couloured tiles are also suitable as it gives and illusion of openness and space. For a more spacious bathroom the tiles can be shiny as it gives a very high look to the space but on the hand using polished tiles can lead to getting slipped all the time. As appealing as those glossy polished tiles may be, spilled water is hardly ever seen and it leads to a slipping contest in the house. So keeping that in mind the fairest option will be to opt for a textured tile for the floor, a fairly light couloured tile for the walls and ceramic tiles promises to have a type or all needs.

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