Wednesday 3 September 2014

Why Should One Use Floor Tiles – Major Advantages?

With the wide variety of flooring options available today, one gets confused when trying to make a decision as to what type of flooring to choose. While the final decision depends upon your estimated usage patterns, in most cases it has been found that tile flooring is the better option across a wide range of comparison factors. Listed below are a few advantages of tile flooring that making it more suitable as a choice?

Water Resistance
This is probably the most important asset of tiled floors. All tiles are resistant to water, some completely so, and as such they can be safely used in applications like bathrooms and kitchens as well as outdoors. And this is not the only beneficial coating tiles have. Slip resistant, heat resistant and glazed tiles are just some of the myriad other options available.

Easy to Clean 
Another major bonus of tiles, they are much easier to clean that wooden or cement flooring. While those surfaces tend to attract dirt and dust, tile surfaces can be cleaned by a good wiped own itself and on being washed look as good as new.
Cheap and Easily Replaceable 
Tiles are also a rather cost effective flooring option, especially in recent years, and in case they take any damage, they can be easily replaced. While in the case of a wood or cement floor, a large section of floor would have to be torn out, in tile floors we can simply replace a single tile with no ill effects. Also, damaging a tile is not easy as vitrified and glazed tiles are very strong and highly resistant to damage.

Easily Customisable 
Perhaps the main reason that tiles are so wildly popular is their almost infinite variety; they come in a massive range of shapes, sizes, colours and patterns. As such, your floor can be customized in any way you want, and this can also be undone easily. While replacing a wood floor is a Herculean task, a tile floor is much more easily replaced during a remodeling. As such, across the board, we can see that floor tiles are the best option for a prospective buyer.

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